Imprint and Contact

Responsible for the content of these pages is the Pentagrid AG, Switzerland.

Pentagrid AG


Postal and office address:

Pentagrid AG
CH-9470 Buchs SG

Commercial register and tax number:

  • UID: CHE-138.393.211 in the commercial register of the canton St. Gallen

  • MWST ID: CHE-138.393.211 MWST

Pentagrid GmbH


Office address:

Pentagrid GmbH
DE-12435 Berlin

Postal address:

Pentagrid GmbH
Bizetstraße 1
DE-13088 Berlin

Commercial register and tax numbers:

  • HR: HRB 232947 B in the commercial register of the Local Court Berlin Charlottenburg

  • Tax ID: 37/468/51086

  • VAT identification number: DE346166247


Liability for Content

The contents on this website were created with the utmost care. However, Pentagrid can not accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content.

Data Protection Information

The responsible company under data protection law is Pentagrid AG (contact information above).

The operator stores access and error logs for accessed pages and files for the purpose of statistical evaluation, error analysis and security purposes. Access logs are stored without IP address, without referrer and without user agent. For error analysis and security purposes (so-called error log), the following data is logged:

  • retrieved page or file,

  • time of access,

  • transferred amount of data,

  • referrer information,

  • user agent information,

  • IP address from which access was made.

In the case of contact via e-mail, we process your request and thus your communicated data for the purpose of maintaining business relations and the provision of contractual services respectively the purpose resulting from your request.